7.10.06- Busy schedules have been keeping me from the site
but I will try my best to keep updating and changing the website. Well I have some good news Diane was voted by America into
the Big Brother 7: All Stars show!! Keep rooting her on so she can win the big bucks!
4/6/06- Wow! I had lots to do so I shut the site down but I have it back up and running! I am still very busy so don't
expect a lot of updates but I will try my best!
2.14 - Sorry the site has been kind of dead!!! I was very busy but
hope to get back to working on this site! Meanwhile Diane has been very busy herself doing extra work on a variety of tv shows!
Keep an eye out!!
1.07- Diane's Interview with a Northern kentucky newspaper is now out link is under "Links for News"
1.07- Diane is now in LA!!! best of luck Diane!
12.11- This weekend Diane will be in Pittsburgh, PA. to visit Scott who was on BB5 and will be her roomate in LA
12.03- Diane will be moving to LA in around 4 weeks!! Best of luck Diane!
12.03- Diane and Jerry have for buisness reasons are no longer going to be using each others services.
12.03- The posters are no longer being sold.
11.19- The Posters are apparently selling fast so make sure to hurry up and get yours!
11.19- Diane recently went to Las Vegas to do a fahion show with Lori and Holly (from BB5) Unfortunetly the fashion
show didnt work out but Diane said she had fun spending time with Lori, Holly, and Jase (Jase is from BB5 also). Diane is
now back in Kentucky hoping to move to LA around new years!
11.12- The Diane and Lori posters are ON SALE!!!! make sure to be quick to buy one the first 100 will be autographed for
the regular price and over all only 500 will be sold so hurry up!
11.10- Coming soon Diane, Lori (another person who appeared on Big Brother 5), and Diane's local manager Jerry will be
selling posters of Diane and Lori together the first 100 bought will be autographed by Diane and Lori!
11.10- In January 2005 Diane will be starting an Official Diane Henry Fan Club....When details arrive I will post them
but for more you can go to her Website Forums.
11.08- Diane is auctioning more stuff off on ebay the Seller is Jeroinohio so you can find her stuff that way.
11.05- I have gotten word Diane has visited this site!!!!
11.05- Diane will be doing a live internet chat Friday, November 5th 7:00 eastern time on her official website (there
is a link under links to her site) for rules on the chat you can find them on her forums I suggest you should join her forums
before you do that chat.
10.31-Diane recently gave an interview to The Challanger. A new Nothern Kentucky Sunday only paper.
10.30-Diane is currently in Kentucky preparing to move out to LA in december! Her time in Kentucky will be spent packing,
doing photo shoots for her portfolio, and trying to find a manager in LA (Diane has a manager in who is helping her in Kentucky
with PR stuff named Jerry Broach)